
Showing posts from November, 2010

Albanians and Punctuality

It is no secret that one of the biggest challenges that we face in Albania is punctuality. Far be it from me to make generalisations but I can safely assume that Albanians, along with their Mediterranean/Balkan neighbouring nations view time in a more relaxed manner than North/West Europeans. Ok, before I keep on stating the obvious, let me get to the heart of the problem. It is with coming significantly late to church on Sabbath. Allow me to make a list of places/situations that determine the Albanians' punctuality. ON TIME when they go 1. To work (in a serious business/company) 2. To a funeral 3. To a football (soccer) match 4. To a show (TV, opera, theatre, cinema) LATE when they go 1. To a wedding / birthday party 2. To church or any church meetings 3. For "coffee") 4. to a picnic I could add 5. blogging and I can only point the finger at myself... How does one make sense of this? Of course, what concerns me the most is the striking lack of p...