
Showing posts from December, 2012

Year 2012 -- Church & ADRA Substantial Boost in Albania

Church & ADRA Substantial Boost in Albania 12 December 2012 Tirana, Albania [Julian Kastrati,  ted NEWS]  On the Saturday of December 1st, Adventist believers and seekers from all churches and groups throughout Albania convened at the last Festival of Faith for the year, celebrating the wondrous works of the Holy Spirit. Pr. Leo N. España, Albanian Mission (ALM) President, in his year-end report exclaimed: "2012, what a blessed year for the Church in Albania!" He was referring to the highest number of baptisms to be recorded (21) in the last 15 years. "We thank God for His many blessings," said España. "It has been wonderful to see how the Holy Spirit has worked in the hearts of the people through the work of pastors and church members who have been dynamic in their participation of the proclamation of the gospel." The congregation showed solidarity for the illegally imprisoned Adventist pastor and church member in Togo. Pr Espana concluded...